Learn How BAGJUMP Helped Skate Superstar Leticia Bufoni Achieve Her Epic ‘Sky Grind’!
How do you train for the highest-altitude skate trick of all-time? That was the question perplexing our friends at Red Bull when they first floated the idea of combining Brazilian superstar Leticia Bufoni’s twin passions of skateboarding and sky-diving in a project they dubbed ‘Sky Grind‘, in which she planned to do the first-ever skate trick out of an airplane at an altitude of more than 2.5 kilometres above terra firma:
With so much that could go wrong in her attempt to grind a railing out of the loading doors of a transport aircraft (the actual plane from the Fast And Furious movie franchise!) then there was only one brand to turn to when it came to safely training for the most hair-raising skateboard trick ever attempted.
BAGJUMP were delighted to play our part in this event witnessed around the globe via Red Bull’s website by supplying an AirPit Airbag for the rehearsals ahead of her skateboard stunt on the edge of the stratosphere!
Watch the behind-the-scenes edit from the most ballistic skateboard manoeuvre ever undertaken above and then watch the whole mini-action movie right here!